I help people get unstuck

About Me

If you’re like me, you read the ‘about page” to see how this particular person brings their expertise in a way that’s relatable and meaningful to you.

Of course, I want you to work with me; but more than that, I want you to know that when working together, I am fully committed to seeing you – your truth, your strengths, your growth potential, and your vision…while helping you overcome the blocks, limiting beliefs and false assumptions that stand in the way of having what you want.

You’re probably asking: “So Sandy, what makes you so special”? What do you bring to the table that’s so different?

Right off the bat, I can tell you it’s NOT my degrees or credentials that make me special or different. Accumulating knowledge and being skilled at test taking doesn’t mean much if it’s not seen through the eyes of deeper personal work. But, if you’re interested in the smarty pants details, CLICK HERE!

Here’s my story… the really short version.

The experiences that thoroughly changed my life and set me on this path came from suffering (that’s pretty much always the case, isn’t it?).

My suffering came in the form of anxiety, panic, agoraphobia and fear.

Initially, I became an expert at hiding this “disability” from almost everyone. I devised all kinds of tricks to help me get by. Life was very complicated. It took a while to realize I had it all wrong. Trying to defeat, control, manage and manipulate panic only made matters worse.

 And, I was ready for a paradigm shift.

In time, I discovered panic was never the problem. Struggling against panic was not the answer. And the problem-solving approach itself doesn’t work here. My mistake had been trying to solve the problem on the same level it was created, while missing the bigger picture.

Figuring out how to bring the bigger view into focus took time, lots of experimentation, and more stamina, patience and trust than I knew I had. But once I got it, everything began to shift.

The most important things I’ve learned – well, the ones that relate directly to our work – are these:

Things aren’t what they seem to be and the obvious problem is never the problem.

Resistance will always prevent you from seeing who you are and what stands in the way of getting what you want.

The mind is a master at deleting, distorting, and denying what it doesn’t want to see

Wanting things to be different, more or better gets in the way of seeing what is.

Forgetting to sing, dance, tell stories and enjoy silence is a big mistake.

Truth is usually paradoxical.

Working around the edges of a problem – where there’s little resistance, builds muscle memory for the bigger changes.

Doing what you’re willing to do is better than doing nothing.

Acknowledging that you’re as committed to being stuck as you are to changing (because your actions prove it) is a game-changer.

Whatever you practice, gets hard-wired; so, start practicing what works.

Every moment contains the possibility for transformation.

Real change happens when you are willing to take a risk, get out of your comfort zone and do what you know works, while refraining from doing what never works.

You are in control of your actions; others may trigger old patterns, but you get to choose what to act upon.

Enough about me – What about you?

You want a straightforward approach that addresses your needs.

You’re ready to take a hard look at what gets in the way of your ability to change.

You’re tired of investing in quick-fix trainings; you want something that is backed by validated research and a successful track record.

You don’t want a cookie-cutter approach, but rather individualized practices designed to meet your long-term goals.

You want the kind of ongoing support and accountability that cuts to the chase… not fluff and standardized agendas. You don’t need a taskmaster, but rather someone who challenges you to move farther, wider and deeper…preparing the groundwork so you can bring your A-game to whatever challenge or opportunity comes down the pike.


About us: Coaching is a relationship

Every relationship reveals who you are – both with others and within yourself. Working with a coach at this depth has the power to enrich your perception and worldview, redefine what matters, increase your flexibility, adaptability, and response- ability… and UPLEVEL your power to communicate and act with clarity and vision.

Here’s how the process works…

We’ll increase your sensory capacity to observe the most essential details of your experience.

We’ll use focused inquiry to drill down and activate what’s hot, vital, and alive while you cultivate strengths, positive emotions, and the ability to envision future possibilities.

We’ll uncover and eliminate the blocks, fears, and limiting assumptions that keep you stuck.

We’ll fine-tune your coaching experience using personalized practices to integrate and lock in new learnings.

We’ll put the whole shebang into action steps that align your mind, body, and heart with your growing strengths and capabilities.

Here’s what you can expect…


Enhance your strengths, capabilities, and motivational strategies.

Release limiting patterns, beliefs, assumptions & blind spots.

Focus attention and intention on actualizing your potential.

Cultivate openness, curiosity, vision, and an expanded mindset.

Accelerate the pace of development, learning, and growth.

Act on emerging opportunities and future growth areas.

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