Yoga and Energy Coaching

Yoga and Energy Coaching can be incorporated to support any other coaching service or as a stand-alone service. Here’s how it works. As a support, I will introduce personalized yogic and mindfulness practices to help you internalize and sustain the changes you desire. As a stand-alone service, I can provide private or small group yoga classes based on your ability and needs. 

Yoga Options

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini is a technology of transformation that uses a prescribed sequence of breathing, postures, and movement to break up habitual patterns, release chronic tension, create new circuitry, imprint life-enhancing patterns, ignite intuition, detoxify the bodily systems, balance the glandular and nervous systems, strengthen organs, improve flexibility, discipline the mind, awaken inner sensory facilities, integrate energy and expand consciousness in a way that fully aligns physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. All this allows the entire system to regenerate, opening and expanding clarity, focus, and committed action.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses the biological process of sleep to effortlessly disengage the thinking mind, re-balance the nervous system, and restore the ability to respond to stressors with clarity, flexibility, and wisdom. Unique among meditation practices, Yoga Nidra trains the body to stay awake and alert as you enter more profound and deeper states of relaxation. In this paradoxical state, deeply embedded unconscious imprints and chronic tension can be released, allowing you to change your relationship with thoughts, act from intuitive wisdom, and authentically engage with others.

Mindfulness Mediation

Mediation is not about stopping thoughts but about allowing, accepting, and witnessing a mind that is designed to think – without getting caught up in all judgment, chatter, and the storyline that the mind offers up. Through practice, you are gradually released from unconsciously reacting to the mind’s story about your experience while learning to be in your experience’ as it happens… in real-time so that you can act from intuition and inner wisdom instead of reacting from old, worn-out, disruptive patterns.

Here’s a brief introduction to my approach…

I hold a fierce optimism in the ability of all people to change, grow, and wake up to their own natural intelligence.

Here’s the thing: we don’t have to go through your entire childhood to get to the juice; whatever keeps you stuck will show up in the present – allowing you to target what matters now while letting go of past influences.

My job is to help you drill down to your hard wiring so you can rework the internal operating system that’s driving your life (from the inside out) – because just adding new skills to an outdated system simply doesn’t work.

Together, we’ll ferret out all the hidden patterns, beliefs, and constraints that sabotage your happiness and success – so you can see past blind spots, side-step the pitfalls, and avoid the obstacles that have kept you stuck… once and for all.

We’ll also unravel your personal strategies for making decisions, meeting challenges, resolving problems, and activating motivation and energy – helping you maximize what works so you can move forward faster, more skillfully, and with renewed confidence.

Throughout the process, we will experiment with small practical action steps to test out more flexible behaviors – assessing, adjusting, and fine-tuning every step until you get the desired outcome.

In the process, you will learn strategies to train your mind, rewire your brain, and change your life – at the core.

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